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About Us Continued

Many kitties come and go.  Many stay on the property and live in various areas.  Some are friendly enough they hang out in our workshop and stay in the yard.

Some of these kitties are nice enough for pets.  The ones that stay close are in contact with me a lot, so I know some of their ways and means.  We took one in who ended up with a broken shoulder.  The vet suggested an indoor home since it would not fully mend correctly.  He adapted well with our 3 other house cats and two dogs.

Where  your donations or money from sale items go:

Food runs about 80 dollars a month

Feline hiv tests run about 25 each

Spay, neuter and rabies vaccinations are done in Waco at the Animal Birth Control Clinic for 35 for females, 45 for males.

We have spent several hundred dollars in various vet bills from injuries to medications.

Live trap was 50 bucks

Poultry feeder and waters about 60 bucks for both

Pay someone to come feed and water when we have to be away

You may also make a secure donation through Paypal using the button below.  It should show up as a donation to Crockett Mountain Woodworks.
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